Tree Service Decatur

Tree Risk Assessment & Consultations in Decatur

Keep your property protected from damage by scheduling tree consultation services with Boutte Tree today!

Trees can bring a lot of beauty and benefits to our homes. Whether you’re looking for shade or curb appeal, there’s a tree that can work for your landscape. But trees can also bring about liability, as well and being aware of the risks is important for any homeowner. Fallen trees, even creeping roots can lead to expensive costs.

At Boutte Tree, we are your reliable Decatur tree service company. We have over 15 years of experience in assessing and resolving potential tree risks for commercial and residential properties. If you’re worried about risks, our expert staff is here to help.

Why Schedule a Tree Care Consultation?

Knowing what you face when it comes to your trees can make all the difference in managing your landscape. This is why we offer consultations for residential and commercial properties. A consultation can assess the health of your trees and even discover problem areas. In general, a consultation can include:

  • Measuring Your Tree Health: Trees keep our air clean and your property looking nice. You can often measure your trees’ continued health with a consultation, making sure they stay healthy and happy.
  • Combatting Insurance Risks: Unfortunately, damage from a tree on your property isn’t always covered by insurance, especially if the damage isn’t related to a storm. A consultation can help you spot problem areas so you can address them before you have to fight with the insurance company.
  • Stopping Property Damage: A consultation is set up to try and prevent any property damage a tree may cause. Sure, a fallen tree can cause damage, but even a single branch can tear gutters or break windows. A consultation can help you understand your possible risks.

How Does a Tree Risk Assessment Work?

With over 15 years of experience, one of our experts will come to your home and assess the trees on your property for possible issues. We use our extensive knowledge and trained arborists to find common risks including:

  • Detached or hanging tree branches
  • Root erosion
  • Rotten wood or unhealthy bark
  • Mushroom growth around roots and trunk base
  • Overhead power lines
  • Leaning trunk
  • Overgrown crown
  • Dead or damaged tree branches
  • Potential roofing or vehicle damage
  • Adjacent tree health or damage

A consultation and tree risk assessment will give you a complete understanding of the health of your trees and the potential risks you may face. Our experts will provide potential solutions for any issues your tree may have, including tree removal, tree trimming, general pruning, and more!


Signs You Need Tree Removal

Tree removal should always be handled by a professional. Not only does it limit damage to your property, but also it can make the entire process a lot simler. Tree removal is needed anytime a tree is damaged or posing a liability to your home. This can include things like a hollowed out trunk, damaged branches, and leaning.

Additionally, you may consider a tree removal if the trees on your property are poorly placed. For example, they’re growing too close to power lines or the tree roots are damaging your plumbing. You should always consult with an expert to schedule any tree removal services.


The Benefits of Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is often a service that is performed after maintenance has been done. Sometimes tree pruning needs to be done every year, but it really depends on the tree. If you don’t get tree pruning done regularly, it could quickly lead to a tree emergency.

Preventing a tree emergency isn’t the only reason to get a tree pruned, though. Some of the benefits associated with tree pruning services are:

  • A pruned tree is a safe tree
  • Pruning a tree keeps it healthier
  • Fights insects
  • Fights infection
  • Adds property value to your home or business

You can trust the professionals as Boutte Tree Inc. the next time your tree is in need of our pruning services. We work hard to keep you safe and your trees healthy and beautiful.


How Does Tree Cabling Work?

Tree cabling is essentially a simple service, but it is one that should only be done by a professional. There may not be a lot of cabling, but if it isn’t done by a professional, you could likely cause more damage than its worth.

If a tree needs to be cabled it is because there is some part of the structure that is compromised. Not only this, but the tree can’t be that old either. The whole point of cabling a tree is to strengthen the structure so the tree can continue to live its life. If an old tree experiences structural damage, a tree expert is likely to recommend you remove the tree altogether.

Any structural damage that is present, an arborist will assess and determine the best course of action for cabling. Then he will grab the cables necessary for the job and place them on the tree in a way that will improve the integrity of the tree.


How Professionals Handle Tree Planting

The planting and transplanting of trees are often underrated. If a tree is planted improperly it could significantly reduce the longevity of the tree. Before planting a tree, there are some things to consider:

  • Local weather conditions and climate
  • The pests and diseases in the region
  • Soil conditions
  • Equipment needed

You can trust that the arborists at Boutte Tree Inc. will plant or transplant any size tree for you as safely as possible. We are the experts you need on your side to get the job done right to maintain the life expectancy of the tree.


The Stump Removal Process

Tree stump removal seems relatively easy, but this is a service that when it isn’t performed by a professional, can really cause some problems. You can decide to have the tree stump ground down or to have it removed from the ground altogether.

When a tree stump is removed there are a few key steps that will occur:

  • The arborist will dig a hole in the ground
  • Chop and remove and visible roots
  • Remove the stump from the hole
  • Fill in the hole once again

One of the great things about getting a tree removed from your yard is avoiding the risk of stump sprouting. The last thing you want when you have a tree cut down in your yard is the risk of another tree growing in its place.


What is Considered a Tree Emergency?

Tree emergencies are more common than one might think. If you think about it, there are a lot of trees in the world. Most properties have at least one tree on them. That is why it is extremely vital to be able to spot a tree emergency the moment it happens or even just before it happens. Learning the warning signs isn’t hard, but remembering to pay attention to the trees on you property is the most important thing to do.

It is easy to forget about them because they don’t need your daily attention, but if the trees in your yard go unnoticed for too long you could end up paying expensive repair bills later on. Some signs of a tree emergency include:

  • Exposed roots
  • Damage to the trunk
  • Loose or broken branches and limbs
  • Awkward growing tree
  • Broken branches hanging from wires

Call Us Today!

At Boutte Tree, we use over 15 years of experience to work for you and your property. Our local and knowledgeable tree service contractors are licensed and insured. We service residential properties and commercial properties from golf courses to parks and are happy to provide consultations when needed.

Our company has a core value of sustainability, which means we are committed to doing everything possible to slow and limit our impact on the environment. As arborists, we care about people first and trees a close second.

Worried about trees on your Decatur property? Call Boutte Tree at (404) 799-5472 and get an expert tree risk assessment service today!