About Us

At Boutte Tree our mission is to care for Atlanta's trees using the safest procedures and the very best arboricultural practices.  We put people first and trees a very close second.  People are our concern and they make Atlanta what it is.  Trees are important because in order for the city to reach its potential it must not only provide cultural and social amenities; it must provide the refuge of natural beauty.  No other organism comes close to trees in offering this in the context of a city.

In an urban environment, so far from the humbling power of nature, only a tree can put the ambition of man's civilization into perspective.  Trees are large and alive and without much ado they can remind us that we are not larger than life, but simply a part of life's intricate web.

At Boutte Tree we believe in the power of trees to transform the urban environment and make it aesthetically pleasing.  Trees are able to this because they can provide more foliage, shade, and natural beauty per square foot of real estate than any other plant or landscape can do.  In a city like Atlanta land is a valuable commodity and should never be wasted.  When compared to landscaped areas, trees are more magnificent, offer shade, require less maintenance, and are permanent fixtures that become part of the fabric of our city.  Landscaped areas are small, decorative, expensive to maintain, and being decorations do not become part of a city but merely adorn it.  (This is not true of all landscaped areas, but it is usually true of landscaped portions of the streetscape)

Therefore, our mission is clear: Offer the very best tree care at reasonable rates with an eye towards the future – a canopied future!