Fertilization  Prescriptions

Basic Mix

Our basic Eco-Friendly mix program was designed to provide the healthiest, nutrient-rich soil for your trees. The healthier a tree or shrub, the more able it will be to defend itself against insect and disease.  Before pest problems occur, we can restore your trees’ natural health with state-of-the-art, eco-friendly approaches. Plants require nutrients in order to grow strong and healthy. In an urban or suburban environment, leaves, your trees’ natural nutrient source, are removed. As a result, the trees on your property are forced to compete with turf and other vegetation for the remaining food and water supply.  These factors coupled with environmental stresses from compacted soils and root zone competition can cause deficiencies.

The Basic program reintroduces essential nutrients to the soil in your landscape, at precise intervals, based on the needs of your trees and shrubs.  Variables such as soil condition, age, health, and location of tree species, weather and stress conditions, are all factors into the tree fertility program your arborist develops for your property.

Drought Mix

Here inAtlantawe are prone to experience droughty conditions on a regular basis.  At times watering bans make watering trees and shrubs illegal.  Many mature trees and newly planted trees are already stressed due to old age or transplant shock, and are not able to withstand drought stresses. Trees that are in the beginning stages of decline before a drought are pushed even further into the decline spiral when we experience extended periods of low rainfall.  Trees die when they reach the permanent wilting point (PWP) and roots can not take up what little water is left in the soil.  Water is the most significant and important component of a tree’s life. It serves as the raw material for essential biological processes, including photosynthesis. In addition, water is necessary for the uptake of minerals, which eventually combine with proteins to determine tree health. The interruption or termination of these natural processes can initiate a chain of events beginning with low plant vigor, and ultimately resulting in severe decline.  Eventually the tree experiences a premature death.

Our Drought formula is the answer to the problem. We have a custom blend of humates, yucca, living soil fungi and bacteria, black sea kelp, plant hormones, and amino acids, all mixed with water then injected directly into the soil where it is readily available to the root system. Our formula will help trees by:

  • Increasing soil water holding capacity by as much as 200%
  • Strengthening and re-hydrating cells without drawing on stored energy reserves
  • Capturing moisture from the ambient humidity through the leaves
  • Enhancing absorption of nutrients, minerals, and water by the root system
  • Enabling the plant to engage the defense mechanisms and stress management processes to defend itself against insect and disease attack, and environmental and cultural stresses

Be cautious of other companies’ soil programs that use conventional fertilizers containing nitrogen and chemical salts. These ingredients increase a plants demand for water, by sucking water out of plant cells through a gradient in osmotic potential between plant roots and the surrounding soil. The result is an escalation of tree stress levels and aggravation of the problem.

Super Mix

Our Super Mix program is designed as an organic, environmentally friendly approach to promoting the health your trees by applying a variety of beneficial bacteria, trichoderma and mycorrhizae fungi along with additional organic management solutions.  Trees have a natural Soil Food Web (SFW) – an interaction of tree roots, microorganisms, and organic matter in the soil. The diversity within the SFW has a direct and indirect impact on the health of your soil and trees. Adjustments can be made with applications of microorganisms not readily present in the soil. We analyze the site conditions (based on the needs of your trees’ biological requirements), develop a prescription to enhance the quality of the SFW, and then apply these treatments to restore the soil to favorable conditions.


Custom Mixes

Custom mixes containing iron or other micronutrients may be used to treat specific problems such as chlorosis, or specific requirements of young and mature trees.

Contact us today at 404-799-5472 for a free consultation.  Our Plant Health Care director Robert Brettschneider will meet with you and discuss the right mix for your trees’ needs!

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