Check out this email I received today:

Dear Jessa,

I am the Treasurer for the Magnolias at Ridgewalk and wanted to mention something. Landscaping is a painful topic in our community and we can never agree on a standard. its our most budgeted item and is always without fail a sour subject. I include Trees in landscaping. When our landscaping Committee came to us with your original contract proposal I balked at first. But seeing the work after it was completed was the reason why we didn’t think twice about having you do the second phase. usually when we do something drastic with Landscaping we always prepare for a onslaught of complaints. When your crews left we were preparing for the complaint train to start rolling. Being on the Board of Directors for off and on 7 years this is a first. I wanted to let you know Boutte Tree service has a coveted award in our community. Out of 252 homes not a single complaint what so ever.

Usually we get some people who are known complainers by profession. Please extend my gratitude and thanks to your crews, and please consider doing something special for your crew that worked our community. They deserve it in a special way. I remind you that our community is around 12 years old. The tree work you guys performed was amazing and the fact the complaint train didn’t get started shows. My deepest gratitude and thanks to you and your crew, I hope that you do buy them lunch or something Jessa they really do deserve it!!!


Wow!  Ok, the crew is having lunch on me today!  Go Team Boutte!  Working with you guys makes this job so much fun!  #so proud!

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