Boutte Tree Inc.

2144 Bolton Road NW Atlanta GA 30318

Prescription Programs


Red Tip Photina (Photinia x fraseri) is widely planted in home and commercial landscapes. Although popular for being a large, evergreen shrub with attractive foliage and showy white flowers and its claim to fame the brilliant red new foliage that appears in the spring; this plant is highly susceptible to the fungal pathogen known as Entomosporium that causes leaf spots and ultimately defoliation.


Early symptoms consist of small, circular, red spots on both the upper and lower surfaces of new leaves. On heavily diseased leaves, the

spots unite to form larger, maroon blotches. Mature leaves develop dark

brown or gray spots surrounded by reddish purple rings. Eventually, the leaves will fall off. Repeated leaf drop over several years along with other problems often results in plant death.

The fungus over winters on infected leaves and branches from the previous year. In the spring during wet weather, spores are released and are dispersed by splashing water and wind to infect new growth. Infection occurs continuously during periods of wet weather. Infection also occurs in the fall during autumn rains.



Our control strategy is centered on cultural practices and fungicidal sprays. Maintenance of healthy, vigorous Photina is our number one priority. Pruning during the dormant season by thinning the crown will provide air circulation reducing the fugal spores. Disposal of diseased twigs branches and leaves to reduce the fugal spore count. We use in our prescription program new researched products to control Entomosporium that is safer than conventional fungicide sprays that other companies use. We apply three to four treatments starting at bud break in the early spring and continue at regular intervals during the spring until dry weather. Our Technicians are trained to thoroughly treat all leaf and twig surfaces. The wetter and rainier the spring the worse the disease problem is. A dormant treatment before fall rains is highly recommended for this disease.

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